Living in thee inner city is not for everyone. I have learned to love living in close quarters, traffic and thee scream of police sirens. Washington, DC is where I grew up…
THe Eyes of The King
The Adinkra symbol is a very important part of the arts tradition found in Ghana. They symbolize parables, aphorisms, proverbs, historical events and other messages that convey G_ds wisdom, humanities relations with Him, the spirit and the inevitability of death. The Akan symbols are most often used as a form of funerary art though due to social changes in the last few generations… Read More
Thee 7 Seal
Thee 7 Seal Chant Rope illustrates thee reference Yesus made about thee sowing of thee mustard seed, thee methods used to judge a seed’s potential to take root and thee Jewish communities revival after they survived thee Jewish Holocaust. Thee mustard seed serves as a model for this bead. Mustard seeds have most recently risen to fame due to Auschwitz. Read More